SHINee and YunHo will attend the DMZ National Documentary Film Festival for donation

Posted: August 25, 2010 in DBSK, news, SHINee

YunHo and SHINee gathered together to donate to children who are in need living in war zone areas.

SHINee and YunHo will attend the DMZ National Documentary Film Festival on the 31st to assist with the donation.

The film festival held on the 9th of September will also be towards assisting those in need living in war zones. The donations will go towards funding their basic needs such as water, food and clothing.

The event will begin on the 31st at 3PM with YunHo and SHINee directly giving donations.

The relations of DMZ National Documentary Film Festivals said “This event will hopefully allow people to realise the importance of peace and life, the participation of YunHo and SHINee will encourage citizens to donate as well.”

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